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What I Do

What I Do

I’m here to help you break the cycles in your life that aren't serving you.


Hear me out.


Your relationship with yourself is central to your relationships with everything and everyone else


You don’t live in the world. You live in your body and in your brain, which live in the world. Your body and brain are the filters through which you experience the world, along with everything and everyone in it.


As a human, over the course of your lifetime (especially during your early childhood years), you have unknowingly developed limiting beliefs that have distorted your view of yourself. Because your “self” exists in the world, by default, your views of the world around you are tainted by those faulty beliefs as well.


Faulty core beliefs show up in some fairly basic forms. A few garden-variety examples are


“I’m not enough.”

“I’m not lovable.”

“Something is wrong with me.”


You most likely don’t even realize these deeply rooted beliefs are the substructure for many of your everyday thoughts. You move through life believing almost everything your brain tells you, not knowing that your internal “filtration system” is off-kilter.


Hence, when something passes through your filter and appears to be suspiciously offensive or hurtful, you experience a natural activation within—a trigger.


“It’s not fair!”

“That never should have happened.”

“I’m so offended.”

“He hates me.


We then experience in our bodies the correlative feelings generated organically by our thoughts. Feelings such as anger, fear, inadequacy, sadness, and perhaps the most deviously painful emotion of all, shame.


We punch ourselves in the face with the suffering that comes because of our tainted belief systems about ourselves, and subsequently, about the world around us.


Now for the good news.


Your relationship with yourself is repairable.


The human brain is the most exceptional problem-solving organism in the known universe. Its very biology is wired to change and adapt. This is called neuroplasticity. The most recent scientific research indicates that the brain has the ability to change and adapt throughout life, not just during the developmental years.


Through simple strategies, you can rewire your brain to “prune” harmful faulty core beliefs and “sprout” constructive truth-based beliefs about yourself. Additionally, healing the nervous system--the "brains" of the body--changes your actual "state of being".


The evidence is abundant and compelling: Self- worth is a critical component of both mental health and overall well-being. Those who possess high self-worth are less vulnerable to the negative effects of difficult experiences and exhibit less brain activity when exposed to distressing stimuli. This is best described as resiliency. Resiliency builds self-confidence. What’s more, research indicates that self-worth is a predictor of success and well-being in the most important areas of life, including relationships, career, and health, rather than merely a consequence of these factors.

Self-worth is the predictive outcome of the principles you will learn, the tools you will use, and the work you will do.

And I’m here to help you.

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